Hi fellas, I just started a long-trade on TRX/BTC. My thought on the chart is that the bottom was created by the two lows on 16th August 2018 and 12th September 2018. If the support-level will hold or not I try to figure out with the using of the "Relative-Strength-Index"-Indicator and the small Fibonacci-Retracement (purple). If the yellow-labled...
Hi fellas, I just started a long-trade on ADA/BTC. My thought on the chart is that the current support-level, that was confirmed by the recent low, will hold and will NOT break. If the support-level will hold I try to figure out with the using of the " R elative- S trength- I ndex"-Indicator. If the yellow-labled RSI-support-level will NOT be undershot, then I...
Nothing to say.
Ripple is calming down between the two marked price levels and will be supported by the orange Support trend line. The pitchfan is a supposition what value the price approximately can reach.