Here I'm just zooming in. There's nothing invalidating a correction. And the same applies for BTC. Almost exactly.
So I have this thesis: Since march's crash, the demand trendline has been the green one (I drew two because I used both line and bars). The yellow line is a supply line. When both, supply and demand, trendlines cross there's a bull run. Try it on several time frames and it is true. There's nothing invalidating the demand trendline, so I assume it as a true...
Remember: consolidation under resistance is bullish.
Black lines show relative (most objective) trend, while Red lines are fixed (subjective) trend lines. IMO it is highly improbable to see BTC under 10.5 k. Any retracement near this area is your best chance to buy a bargain. Personally I don't expect BTC going under 10.7 k. Context is bullish also. We might see a small accumulation phase. So I don't expect this...
TIS Weekly Chart. OBV confirming. Would be a good example for a book. Thoughs?
Looking good IMO. Volume is not confirming. It might be related to @Mettalex stacking. This should be positive.