Hi @Alanbb and @GodcaresGodcares. I appreciate the follow, hope sharing our journey helps you as much as it helps me. Quick post, bit short on time. Buy on both lines, increasing EURUSD position, starting a new USDCHF position. Averages are 1.20183 EURUSD, 0.93647 USDCHF. I need to dink with my settings to only display P/L as a percentage. It's hard not to...
@manwon, @jishonjinesh, @nguyenthuan1611 - thank you all for following. Best wishes for your trading journies! Another day of DXY increases. Sold USDCHF at +0.15%, opened a 6th EURUSD position. The USDCHF was my only position, new EURUSD average is 1.20459. Still looking at an unrealized loss on EURUSD that feels high. However, if I want to see how this...
A buy on both lines tonight. Restarting accumulation on USDCHF, lowering average basis on EURUSD. New averages are 0.92921 USDCHF, 1.20722 EURUSD. Looks like DXY had a pretty strong day. This is good - the dollars in my wallet being worth more is a good thing, for sure. It makes sense that the US economy will see gains as the COVID vaccinate becomes more...
Mixed signals today. Closeout on USDCHF, at +0.45% gain. Opened a new EURUSD position, for a current average price of 1.20968. It's interesting. Not that long ago, running a net negative (unrealized) P/L would have bothered me. Buying and selling against the meta-TA also would have given me nerves. Funny how different trading feels with an algorithmic...
Howdy @sidoinetedongmo and @mlunghisicurtis! I appreciate the follows, hope this experiment provides insight on your trade journey. A nice reversal on EURUSD today. Before trading, one out of two positions were in the money. Always a welcome sight. Despite that, the signals are telling me to buy both tonight. Still net negative EURUSD, and starting a new...
Closeout on USDCHF, taking +0.67% profit. Opened a new (FIFO compliant) EURUSD position. Currently have two positions open with an average basis of 1.21165 EUR/USD. Looks like a bunch of high-impact news announcements are coming out this week. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Welcome @VINDOLLAR - thank you for the follow. Closed one USDCHF position at +0.51%. Saw the buy signal for EURUSD, but didn't get my order in before the market closed for the weekend. I really need to look into hiring a coder, to make this into a script rather than an algorithm. The strategy is working fine, it's user error that's the problem. Such is life. ...
Buy on both lines tonight. Currently have 2 (uniquely sized) USDCHF positions, one EURUSD. Averages are 0.90601 USDCHF, 1.21816 EURUSD. It looks like the correlation between the two is increased. According to MyFXBook, the correlation has risen to -72.7% as of 2021/02/25 19:00. It'll be interesting to see what happens next.
Hey @Antonio_5 - thank you for the follow. Much appreciated. Closeout on EURUSD at +0.08%, opened a new USDCHF position at 0.90707. It's even in line with the current Technical Analysis forecast, which is nice. The amounts are still fairly trivial, but taking profit day after day is a nice feeling. See you tomorrow, may you be well!
Hey @Hociemocie - thank you for the follow! Closed the only USDCHF position at +0.91%, started accumulating a position in EURUSD. Current average basis is 1.21554 EURUSD. Seriously, I couldn't ask for better market conditions these last few days. Minimum risk, and enough of a gain to make the trades feel 'worth it'. I wonder if DXY will increase as COVID...
Thank you @Mymixx and @cray8895 for my first two follows! That made my day. Another switch today. Closed out EURUSD at +0.38%, started accumulation on a new USDCHF position. Current USDCHF average is 0.89647. All good things come to those who wait.
A quick switch tonight. Sold USDCHF at +0.04%, opened EURUSD at 1.21188. Hope you have a good weekend and "see" you next Monday.
Closed out EURUSD position at +0.02% to take profit and reset within FIFO guidelines. Opened USDCHF at 0.89598, using 1% of margin. Fall six times, stand seven.
Closed out EURUSD position at +0.02% to take profit and reset within FIFO guidelines. Opened USDCHF at 0.89598, using 1% of margin. Fall six times, stand seven.
Well, that was another 'learning experience.' My USDCHF positions finally hit net positive! Great news, time to sell, right? Apparently, the new FIFO rules (that I should have read up on) affects my trading more than I expected. Closing a specific position at a profit wasn't a valid option. Doing a market order to close meant that my first position was closed....
A buy on both lines tonight. EURUSD decreased slightly, USDCHF increased, but not enough to justify starting to selling. New averages are 1.21148 EURUSD, 0.89462 USDCHF. As of right now, USDCHF is still net negative, but there's several individual positions that have a positive unrealized P/L. Also interesting is that the TA summary flipped - EURUSD is currently...
Sold EURUSD at a gain of 0.08%. Not much, but enough to cover financing and a little extra besides. Back into net positive territory for this account! Another buy on USDCHF, for a new average of 0.89480. Still normal for a swing trade strategy. Just sticking to the plan, and I'll be in a good position to take advantage of rising prices, when they return. Side...
Bought on both lines right about market open, probably should have just held instead. New averages: 0.89535 USDCHF, 1.21233 EURUSD. Both of those are a tiny bit higher than yesterday - not what I meant to do. Not a huge mistake and I'm already committed, so might as well just let it ride. At least I'll know for next Sunday.