Now, don't blame me if this financial advice works. It is highly scientific and has a record of generating a staggering amount of wealth to the most undeserving of individuals leaving them in a drunken stuppor and awash in a really indecent amount cash. I want no part of this. You would be far better off getting yourself a nice girlfriend who owns sensible...
Why do I like this project. Very simple. When I can't get my head around the size of the market for a product, that means that if only a small percentage of the market sucks it up, you are bound to do well, by just managing the down side or to put it in sales terms, I often said..."If you throw enough shit against the wall, some of it will stick." This project...
Do it immediately. Every second you delay will be to your great displeasure and add to my entertainment. Visit the website. Ask no questions, they are patently stupid. This is your come to Jesus moment in crypto . This is the tokenization of intelligence. Blackrock knows nothing. If you can't appreciate this, walk away from crypto as fast as you can and go sit in...
Crypto has no love for you my friend, she will chew you up and spit you out on the floor and laugh. You think you know her ? You don't. She will looking lovingly to the right at you, and then move quickly to the left, leaving you standing there with you pants down around you ankles as she laughs. You think you will get rich with her. You won't. She will drain you...
We don't aim for the stars here, we are the stars ! Yes, ladies and gentlemen and members of the jury, you are witnessing the genesis of the world's first crypto comic book, TV and feature film right before your very eyes. I say "Stand back and be amazed" my friends. Immorality has arrived and it is in the form of RENDER. Data and compute is the new oil and we are...
Invertors are drunk with fresh investable dollars and are driven to re-invest in the highly profitable narrative of meme coins, especially in the arrogantly and poorly dressed French green frog known as Pepe, who is actually a waiter in a French cafe in Paris with a well known reputation for wine, women with short skirts, long legs and questionable morals. This...
Have you seen a finer chart in your life ? I think not. You will find yourself awash in undeserved riches. Remember, fortune favors the brave. No guts, no glory. Remember, you control your own destiny. Ya snooze, ya lose. LUNA was a cruel joke, a laff for some. not so much for others. Now, just to remind you where you are in the crypto universe, I did a few...
I often hear that we deserve a greater reward, if we take a greater risk in the crypto market, and I agree. I also agree that I should be rewarded for simply getting out of bed in the morning on the right side of the grass and I also believe that Dua Lipa's thighs could squish my head like a grape. So, in order to avoid such risks, I like to ensure my selection in...
This peer-reviewed analysis has been prepared for you at great personal cost in terms of time and the burn of diminishing brain molecules this Saturday morning for your intellectual and financial betterment, at absolutely no cost to you. The title is self-explanatory to most, with the exception of the less-than-gifted, and for those I have included this brief...
What can be said about this strange chart and it’s unusual symmetrical behavior ? To my eyes, strange forces are at play with respect to LINA, and beyond belief, if we change the letter ”I” to the letter “U”, what you will see would surely make the baby Jesus cry…the word LUNA, the sign of the devil himself. Do you remember LUNA ? Do you remember it’s...
NEWS FLASH: Mr. HAPI. (AKA “NO FEAR” ) Armed with an excellent narrative and solid fundamentals, has had enough of this trash talk from all these TAs and is making his dramatic move outta the toilet and upward to his rightful place among the Gods of crypto projects. He’s a scrappy little fu*ker and won’t take no for an answer, especially from that old, useless,...
Come on now, not every day has to be parabolic. You need a little rest and recovery time before you are called on again to perform. (Wink Wink) That's how life is. There are patterns. There are cycles. There are waves. There are seasons. If you try to fight it, , you will end up as road kill on the side of the road. Just dance from wave to wave, enjoying each...
This chart is a text book example of an asset experiencing acute clinical psychosis. SUSHI is psychopathic beyond question. It’s movements clearly demonstrate the unstable and erratic behavior of the individual s who invest in it, as well as the developers who created it. The name of the asset leaves nothing to question. Who in their right mind would name a...
Now one of the things I look at in the "buy the dip " market is how much can an asset go back up, after dropping so far ? I read and see charts telling me much larger assets have dropped by 85-90 %, so I expect that some of them may return to these ATH's. But what is with this asset, as right now it has only dropped by 53%. Is there something special about this...
Without question, you have seen this graph 1,000 and 1 time's before. Of this there can be no doubt. You have ignored it to your great peril and sometimes financial loss. It occurs in virtually every chart known to the crypto universe and beyond. You will find it in the chart of every asset in every time span from 1 minute, to 15 minutes, to 1 hour, to 1 day to 1...
This chart, (programed in the GIBBERISH language) clearly indicates large gains by those holding the TORN asset, the native asset of the Tornado Washing Machine Corporation of Topeka, Kanas which are then followed by inverse parabolic losses on a Biblical scale and a unforeseen spike in the Spousal Abuse Index. Owners of TORN should pay special attention to the...
All is revealed in this humble chart. The plan is quite simple. I would like everyone to hold off buying any Gala until around day 10 of the oscillation period and then on the 10th day, buy Gala like mad. Out bid anyone who places an order, just buy and don't sell, because if you sell we will know. Those shorts will be happy to sell, take all they have and then...
With possibly a limp erection stumbling into 2022 until late January 2022 early Feb 2022. Much like if BTC was leaving the New Year party after having a few too many refreshing beverages. Lets face it, BTC now is a little long in the tooth as they say, and no longer the shinning star he once was. He still pushes on at a predictable ROI and a fine place to park...