Some people panic some fear some run some hide, bulls buy bulls stay calm bulls see the trend.
So a few weeks ago esports was the hottest stock to buy, the next big sports thing, millions and billions to be made. A few months ago like 6 we knew the fed was rising rates and earnings cleared the shorts. Now we are in the same sit and still we panic, smh. I bought yesterday I’ll buy today I’ll buy next week. ATVI and all esports are oversold under valued...
Well I need VZ to call my Uber after I take a giant bong rip of cannabis that I bought from the profits I made off CGC, so i’m A buyer and a holder and repeat
Cannabis gets me high and my portfolio too so buy the dip take a bong rip
Batteries Batteries Batteries thats about all you really need to understand
Holding CVX and. buying more always 3+% div I'm a buyer
So Apple has been on a run for a while now, and I mean since before bitcoin was cool. Friday late in the market we got some so called bad news on apple, me I say buy the fear. With a new product line up being announced in a few days being short is the last place I will be. I'm a bull I'm long I'm buying dips and I get happy when apple sells off it's like my...
Take a look try and buy some dip grab some before it’s too high
show strength on down day bull sign! Pet products bull sign! Costco bull sign! I’m BULLISH Buy small Buy often Take profits Stay liquid
I’m not holding did’t buy but wow it moves
This awesome company have one hell of a run, I’m honestly struggling with the hold or sell questions.