I predicted LTCx3 in 2017 - taking litecoin from $33 to over $100 and now its time to bounce right back for the double up in 2018. Buy it while its cheap - and most importantly... Stay Cryptic Y'all -BK
It looks like this one has hit a positive quick and long cycle which can lead to testing all time highs by early August. Only what we perceive to be "time" will tell - but for now - it looks like a good buy here at medium term support at 5650 sat. Check out the new website! And Stay Cryptic Ya'll.
I made a video today for this chart - check out the channel to see it drawn live - but it looks like we will have positive energy returning in September. A good time to buy before the market returns! Stay cryptic Yall BK
I predicted this would breakout back at 807 and sent it to the money team telling them to get in. Hopefully you got that message, and hopefully you listened. We will either breakout to 105 or breakdown to 88 here... only time will tell. Stay cryptic ya'll. BK
Tron is coming into a quick wave of positive energy that may take it to all time highs in late July. I do believe the altcoin market is rebounding nicely moving into the warmer months - and with a stock market pullback we may see some fiat flow nicely into these candles in the near future. Check out the new website and let me know what you think! Stay cryptic Ya'll. BK
Dash is setting up a global reversal. If it holds we should see some very good gains between now and the next few weeks.
Here is the chart for the video I made today for the Patreon Group for BOSS Alert Messages. Negative Energy until Sept 2018 Slightly Positive until November 2018 Mostly Positive after January 2019 Remember to trade like a boss to survive the storm! Stay Cryptic Ya'll BK
Click the link below to see the video I made tonight on this chart! Join The Money Team on Patreon @BKCryptoTrader
One cycle turns into another turns into another turns into another. ADA is at the crossroads right now - what comes next?? Only what we perceive to be "time" will tell. Stay Cryptic Ya'll. BK
Welcome to 10th grade algebra. We have a basic bell curve standard distribution function here - lets see how it plays out. Long story short - buy you some XRP before the banks do. Class is in session. Stay Cryptic Ya'll. BK
I think we may have just completed an undercurrent macro cycle which should jump us up into another all time high in the upcoming months. I'm sure there will be some big story about how IOTA is changing the world - but know that you heard it here first. Peace & Love. BK
Looks like Silver might have a leg up on Gold going into the future. Today silver is about $16/ounce. Gold is under $1300. I think as we move into this next macro global cycle expected to pop in 2020- we will see Silver outpace the Gold Market and this chart will move up and to the right. Stay Cryptic Ya'll. BK
There are three parts to any cycle... Breakout... Breakdown... Flatline... and then BAM!!! its just that easy to get paid! Stay Cryptic Ya'll. BK
EOS has been a market leader over the past month or so - but its reign may be coming to an end. I believe we have one more good pump in before some real money comes into the market and another crypto takes the title for first place market leader - top crypto breakout IN THE WORLD. (i just made that title up, but I think it works). Buy into this dip - sell on...
A lot of people have been asking for my thoughts on Bitcoin: The longer we stay flat (between $8800-9200) the more likely we go higher. If we go under 8500 - we are dropping to 7500. I think there is a flood of money coming in within the next few weeks - as many charts have shown early June being a breakout cycle. Once we add in a energy cycle line we can see...
NXS is close to my heart and it looks like the market agrees. This one has positive energy returning into it for the next 60 days or so and should see a nice return in the market. I know they are working on sending blockchain satellites into space... But can they put one on The Moon as well?? Only Time will Tell... Peace & Love. BK
It has not been written (yet) but it may already be in progress. XVG looking to have positive energy return to it mid May to Early June. Stay Cryptic Ya'll. BK
For those of you looking for safe havens for dollar storage - I recommend Dash/USD Minimum risk, Maximum reward!