Sorry BABA but not yet. A bit more pain ahead and then we pop.
There is a small tiny innie minnie chance of a Santa dollar rally that will correct equity markets and once it tops, back in the pumping mode. Long term bearish though. Go'Merica! Please take SPY down with ya will ya?
So much hype around PFE but no price action. I still think its a $75-80 stock but we will get there one of two ways shown on the chart. They will be getting a F*uck ton of cash in their pockets very soon Buy at $35 would be great, anything below $35 would be a steal
I am just not buying it. Looks like a rising wedge and we all know how they usually end. Still think there will be another shake out
The road to $400 will happen but ONLY after a correction.
Check my last ZNGA analysis. We re-buy ONLY if we break out. Sell and wait at this point ZYNGA is a legendary game maker, ton of growth ahead.
Check my last BTC post. Right on the dot. Still think we might see $24,000 fairly soon but it will be a choppy ride
Check my last LTC post. So far so good. Still think we will move back down to $80 before we break out. Adjust positions based on what price action is telling you
Dec 16 - Dec 26 major corrections across all markets. Aliens told me.
Buy this bitch with all your ammo (with a proper stop loss just below .4500) I know this is pure garbage but trading it anyways
We all make dumb mistakes when we make biased decisions. For me, trading is about removing my personal biases (or what I think the market should do) from my trades. I change my mind about my trades fast and can change to being a bear very easily if price action shows me a different outcome. Removing these biases is what saves me from holding the bag when price...
Zero fucks given about what bears have to say, we are going to $1. PS: if it goes lower than .5050 (which's it will not) my opinion will change and I hope bears will accept me in their camp as I can be a team player and I can cook soup for ya'll. I am not even going to add fucking hashtags to this post. Your fault if you didn't find it. #ripple #gainsbro
I am not in love with Ripple but I buy it anyways. There is a small mini golden cross on 15 min chart and I like it. I am long since .50 but may change my mind if we do not decisively break out of .57-59 range. Good luck to you and maybe your Sunday be relaxing and joyful! Holiday season is the best! And please, dont ruin your festive mood by making dumb...
Looks bullish AF to me. When and if we break out - lights out! Also keep in mind this could turn around any minute so pay attention
Not going to state my case but Ripple is currently shaking out all fo the weak hands and bouncing off the upper channel support line and going right to the stratosphere. Get in now or regret not getting in later. .49-53 is your last buy zone. PS: Don't be an idiot and listen to overly confident trolls online, do you own research and protect your own capital.
LTC KRAKEN:LTCUSD is very close to breaking out of the falling wedge! Moon baby!
Root helps Global 2000 companies around the world with strategic change management and digital transformation to solve critical organizational challenges. It is also a parent company of the millennial As long as $14 hold, I am playing it. Looks like could be a replay of Upwork chart. Great company, great story - shitty price action. I like it. Not enough data to...