11 jan: today: (for me it's the first time too to follow the charts minute by minute!) It seems that the 11 jan move(fractal) is somewhat tiny and takes 1/2 an hour. Today the fractal is somewhat bigger and takes more then 1,5 hour. Best is maybe to put up two screens. Scroll back to 11 janin the graph and leave it there so you to do it once. Second screen...
Update JOES-fractal as of tonight. (to get to 11 januari with the 1 minute chart takes a lot of time, ppfffft) take into mind that now its going almost 2,7x slower then on 11 januari Where are we going now my love, where will we be tomorrow ! = Crosby, Stills, Nash: Carry on !
For the best I can: then this could be our guide for the coming days/week(s) that is as the market/graph is going as slow as it is going now. (if one sees errors please note them for us)
It sure looks very like the "hand with forefinger" right now. Oeps, be carefull!
I think we are here now (but my guess is as good as yours) But calculating the timespan from each "mountain/rocket" I would see it's this place. So it looks like it is going downward in a few hours (12.00h UTC ???? or 15.00h UTC ???)
You can see there are 3 main fractals: januari, februari & now They resemble each other in some way or an other. What we try to do at the moment is to predict the coming moves of the third (right now) fractal ! The main fractal is build out of hundreds of small fractals. (look at my explanation at the chart: "The blockchain of fractals") For predicting we...
I allready thought we weere at mountain 2 (rocket/mountain...) That's the problem with the 1 minute chart: you really fast think mountains have been formed, or spikes. But when you zoom-out to 30 minutes or 1-hour chart you get a better overview. I do think we are still with the first rocket! sorry! I'm still learning too!!!
you can try this. Does always be that way? to find out!
This could be the path for the coming day(s) Probably brought down to 4000-6000 the monday-stockmarkets
we are here in the januari graph. If the downwards "paw" is almost the same as the upwards paw, then maybe the bottom of that is 8500 again. (or lower/higher? be carefull!)
like these from the past hours:
SEEMED TO HAVE VIOLATED THE HOUSE RULES by mentioning my wordpress-page with the same name as my nickname here. So here we go again: if you want to read the whole explanation ask me for the adress of the wordpress-site. Meet the bitcoin-core-fractal: THE JOES-FRACTAL I baptisted it JOES, my nickname: pronounce as: USE but short/staccato like in HOUS(TON)...
for the coming days this should be a little bit the pattern (according to the graph in januari) The green lines look nice but mean nothing I guess. Just fun! Predicting the timeframe is extremely difficult as you have seen today: a drop taking more then 24 hours!