But if doesn’t probably retesting around 46k 47k. Looking forward.
if wen break down the target gone be around 39k. However the market it’s still bullish.
We have a new trading line. Has to touches point. Let’s see if we can hold.
41000k? Could be , but i think that the red line gone act as support like did before . Looking forward ...
The weekly it’s not looking good! Could go down a little more to 30%
We going to test around 47400k. It’s likely. Be careful you’re own risk.
The levels. I’m just holding right now. Let’s see next.
at least for four more hours...
Your own risk! Be safe with the stop loss and wait on the chart confirmation.
We still testing between two mayors support. We looking good but keep in mind that could go down or up depending on the closing 4 hours c.
It’s looking good.but wait on the 4 hourly confirmation. Be safe!