Just checking out some stocks for a change. What do you guys think?
Pretty simple and straight forward. Elliot and his trusty sidekick Fibonacci at work. Waiting to see how it plays out to gauge potential position entry. What do you guys think?
Lots of fast action going down, just want to get this down quickly so I can hit the trading floor. Best of luck everyone!
Yep. Just chillin', and waiting for the next $1.50 USD opportunity by doing some alternate counts. What about you?
It's all in the chart - time to make $1.60 USD, ALRIGHT!
The chart pretty much says it all, let's see how this plays out! Might move in for a closer look and some shorter plays, but generally trying to snipe for some real *swoosh* setups. Very tempted to enter a short position right now and hope to ride it into the end of the proposed Wave 3 Minute... What do you think?
I am just sitting back for now and waiting for more to happen before getting into any positions - have had a solid couple of weeks and don't want the false confidence to let it get away from me unnecessarily. Best to keep away from that nasty action bias! Will look into some alternate counts within higher degrees to see what else might be going on here, not to...
Alright guys, I am drunk. Probably alcohol is a bad idea. Anyways, according to these fancy Waves, Lines, and Fibonacci numbers, it seems that I am hoping to play a short position from the confirmed Wave 2 (Minute) position. Looking for strong confirmation signals of continued bearish trend from the 0.236 Retracement level of the previous Wave 1 (Minute)...
Looking to get in on some Wave 1 Minor action. SHORTS SHORTS SHORTS - It's spring soon so why not bust out the summer clothes? Will have to get in for a closer look to really size positions up. What about you? What it your current outlook?
Playing a short position for the presumed B Wave. Don't really see the Bulls breaking back above 55 EMA with conviction on their first attempt after falling through so violently. What do you think?