5 guai/lv all down in 17 hours
3 cui/shi all up in 14 hours
5 dun/lv all down in 5 hours.
8 qian/sheng all down in 10 hours
4 jian/bo all up in 23 hours
5 guai/yi all down in 7 hours
4 yu/heng all down in 18 hours
5 yu/guan all up in 14 hours
4 yu/yi down in 10 hours
6/8 fu /lv up in 6 hours .data made a low point to buy
probably the most safe situation I ve ever met : either sell or buy you win . sign! 3 dazhuang/ge all down in 7 hours, but all up in 22 hours. this keep short strategy data.
this keep the long data for future review.
6 fu/yi show all up in 9 hours
7/8 of lin/heng all down in 12 hours .the failed case has little loss
2 tai/huan before AU data show all down in 16 hours .the AU corporate profit data is really good to make a high point to sell
4 dazhuang/shi show all up in 15 hours
90% of 21 qian/yi shows down in 14 hours .failed case1 looks like by news, failed case2 still had escaping chances .
9 shi/tai show all up in 13 hours