6 bi/kun shows 100% up in 20 hours . too many data tonight ,set the pending buying price as pre-hours low,looks like a solid support .
5 bo/cui predicts 100% rise in average 18 hours. can find a support line to buy during over-night data
4 heng/fu shows 100% down in 13 hours, but the good AU data makes it rise to qian . so after 4:30 data release should find a high point to sell. its difficult to foresee how data result will change the trend, but currently , I think is " if the data result is not very much out of anticipation ,then it will follow the trend defined by market force before...
6 gou/yi shows 100% rise in 12 hours , now draw back to kun, could see some low point to buy when data comes out after holidays.