Hashrate and ASICS Miner income BTC: hackernoon.com Energy Consumption BTC: Today 61,9 TWh digiconomist.net Energy Consumption ETH: Today 7,9 TWh digiconomist.net Annual Consumption Chart (from 2018) BTC,ETH & EOS: cdn-images-1.medium.com
An own build index for long term investment on European stocks. Lets see if this log(Channel) holds. Chemistry-Pharma: 1/12 Bayer 1/12 BASF Semiconductior: 1/12 Melexis 1/12 BE Semiconductor Environmental-Chemistry: 1/12 Umicore 2/12 Veolia Brewery Chain: 1/12 AB Inbev Steel/metal industry: 1/12 Aperam Index ETF: 3/12 Amundi CAC40 ETF (C4D) Input...
BASF is for over 20 years in an exponential growing channel. General retraces always included a 45% decline. Time to buy low?
Daily projection, A general decline of 60% seems like a good region to accumulate
A truce for the US-China Trade war until march shows some interesting potential for European semiconductor stocks. One of them is Melexis
Considering that Apple was the first company to hitting the 1 trillion $ in market cap (www.cnbc.com), makes not much sense to me. Their incompatibility with almost all other universal devices,software and cargers is a profitable feature if the apple products are more a status symbol then really a good price/valuation product. I'm on the other hand dissent...
Input: COINBASE:BTCUSD*17231400+COINBASE:ETHUSD*101560128+POLONIEX:XRPUSD*39524508956+BITFINEX:BCHUSD*17313400+BITFINEX:EOSUSD*906245118+BITTREX:XLMUSD*18772938591+COINBASE:LTCUSD*58010555+BITFINEX:XMRUSD*16350481+BINANCE:IOTAUSD*2779530283 Just to get an overview.
Bronze-silver-gold and PLATINUM right? Well that is normally the case for the pricing as well, given that is has more application in the industry, Pt lindlar katalysator par example. However, current ratio platium/gold is around 0,65, wohoho that is undervaluated give, that this ratio is on average 1,5. Well do with it whatever you want but this is the buy of 2018 IMO.
Lund Sweden, July 31, 2018 –Active Biotech (NASDAQ OMX NORDIC: ACTI) today provided an update regarding the clinical development of laquinimod by Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. The Phase 2 LEGATO-HD trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of laquinimod as a treatment in Huntington’s disease (HD) did not meet its primary endpoint of change from baseline after...
Fibonacci, the golden ration and the right timeframe is to be found. Life is not easy, understanding the market is also not easy, so try to grasp the emergent pattern. Don't go for tunnel-vision trading when you see a duplicate of a singularity emerging. My TP's 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, ......
This is the market cap (kind of outdated, I should change the coins but I'm just not in the mood). I'm gonna keep it simple this time. One line that describes a lot of potential ;). Never forget to look at the big picture. You don't understand the behaviour of a Termite colony by studying the ant solely. Happy trading!
Go for the full combo of patterns, this could describe a general crypto market cycle 618.2% is no exception :-) be wise and try to spread your targets over the trend at key levels.
The fibs don't lie www.youtube.com