Its time that you be liquidated lol Just wait for it
I have sell at the point so dont miss the long move
Why am i confident, basically because i’m using another platform to move the market
hello dears as usual I enter short posation and the market will go agains me just go ahead and enter with the market
The last 3 months I was selling in USDJPY that why it was moving up finally today I bought in it so it will go to the biggest short ever
Hello guys the USD JPY will move to the previous high then will go low
As usual I'm using @Olymp_Trade to move the markets and I have the full power to do it
Dears as usual the market moves by the mother fuckers platform and account managers such as @Olymp_Trade which I'm using to move the market
Hello @Olymp_Trade platnform still trying to go against so get ready for another long move now!!!!
As usual @Olymp_Trade plat form will move the market against me every if I'm with the trind that why I added sell posations here to move it long while I'm using another platform to trade long lol
As usual I control the market using @Olymp_Trade it's know for it's fucking around with the market and I'm using it as a market mover
Hello dear as usual I'm using @Olymp_Trade platnform to move the market which knowing for it fucking around with the market as you can see I added sell posations in this area and the market will definitely go higher
Hello dears in this area the eurusd is supposed to go long but it will stay in this spot for a long time since I'm in or maybe will go to the big short because of that
Hello dears as usual Olymp traid are a mother fuck platform lol and I have add sell position in this area and I will definitely go loooonnnnng onw
Hello guys as usual I use olymp trade to move the market as I want in this time I have forced the market to create resasten which will drive the move to a big short, I guarantee that this move will happen as long as I'm adding the buy position
As usual I used olymp trade platform to move the market don't miss it!!!
As I'm known for moving the market using Olymp trad, tonight although there is no volume but I decided to move the market
As usual I use olymp trade platform to move the market and thus time I bought here so the market will go shore