VergeCoin will be hard forking at block 1,824,150 which is about 200 blocks away. This hard fork will help all transactions run through the Tor integration. This is great news as all transactions will be stealth when going to an exchange.
Callisto Coin $CLO is estimated to be over $300-500 Essentially, the issues to be fixed with the Callisto job are laid out as under: There is no reward for coin owners to continuously have coins which is essential for “shop of worth” money. Interest and also impact in the network are not stabilized. The equilibrium is highly prejudiced to the miners. Lack of...
It is estimated that each $CLO Callisto coin will be worth $500+ each Callisto Initial Distribution It was decided to distribute the initial stake of CLO between current ETC holders. We will make a snapshot of ETC blockchain at block 5500000 (approximately 5 March, 2018. This depends on ETC block time and ETC hashrate changes). Then we implement the initial...