I don't know you guys but i think it should touch 0.073 first and then it will go up to 0.092. With these circumstances i don't feel good it will go up. It will stuck on 0.055 What you guys thinking?
it's like a seed's plant to grow up . let's see could it touch 0.82 again or not ! i asked of my friends and most of ideas says it will going up ! idk then
hello Does anyone has any Idea Doge coin will going up to 0.080 or not ? or it will going down ? i'm afraid if it goes down.
hello guys . in my opinion after what elon mask did. we have 3 senarios . 1 - it will go up to 42K 2 - it will go to 36K after that it will touch 39K again . 3 - it will go to 36K and 32K after that it will go to 39K . which one is most better than others senarios ? i choose number 2