These guys have unique software, I didn't found this company looking at patterns or charts, I'm a computer scientist and there is a lot of interest in new jobs to hire people that have knowledge of their software. - they make a fundamental piece in new computer development, a multi-platform interface for any kind of devices, Computers, IoT, Cars - It's in the...
The sector is going back to normal after the pandemic, shipping rates are growing, they have a ton of vessels, they are pretty new, less than a week ago insider bought call options, they haven't diluted shares so much as other companies of the sector but they could and it will go back to the downtrend not financial advice, do your dd
Crossed bullish indicator and using it now as support. Institutional ownership ascending, directives are shareholders. Shipping industry is bullish after COVID international shipping resumes
I See PYPL in a moment wich can go 2 ways, or breaks the resistance and starts another bull run to new ATH, for wich i think needs a increase in volume, or consolidates a horizontal trend, which should rebound around the main supports and trend lines in 3-5 weeks. This is not intended to be any legal or economic advise, its just based on my intuition and basic...