Minimal of 10 areas showing liquidity and attempts to show some losses. Liquidity, how you can get your hands on the money when you need it, sell or convert into cash without any losses, read while trying to understand liquidity. Stop loss can be defined as an advanced order to sell an asset when it reaches a particular price, also read. Is stop loss and...
Attempting to do the bullish and bearish charts using regular and hidden
Attempting to use chart patterns with the regular bearish
Attempting to use the chart patterns using the regular bearish
Using diverging patterns with nifty 50. Also noticed a gap
I am using the USDJPY quarter point plotting in the market
This is quarter point plotting using GBPUSD in the market
I plotted quarter point mapping the GBP/USD in the market
I am using the quarter point mapping using the GBPUSD
I am plotting and measuring quarter points within the market