would be just insane run to a new ATH. Never say no. Possible, with everything going on yes !!! Time to buy and chase the tops and highs bit RISKY like really RISKY !! anyone claiming to know where are we headed up or down is just not TRUE TO HIMSELF. be wise either way. ONE POSSIBLE ELLIOT WAVE COUNT IS THAT WE ARE IN WAVE # 5 OF MARCH'S LOW. wish you all the best.
Major pullbacks happened near this line we are at it right this moment ?! what happens next is YET TO BE HISTORY
wish you all best.
look for related idea down here for further Data i did a while a go for the periodes 2009 -2020 wish you all the best.
#2 more likely never say no with Elliot wave. wish you all the best.
with 2015. wish you all teh best.
Shocking success rate , don't you think so !!! Choose wisely wish you all the best.
This Index is not supporting this ATH @ Stock Markets 23 months of (- Diver) . It is kind of in the middle between a top or a bottom + RSI supporting that. This coming months Data is SUPER important. Wish everything absolute, we should get 20 % or more of some sort of correction. ( i could be wrong) wish you all the best.
wish you all the best.
Well, i was expecting more from this index with it's infamous reputation my thought were wrong unfortunately :-( 52 weeks lows 58 % success rate with 20 as THE TRIGGER LINE 52 weeks highs 55 % success rate with 59 as THE TRIGGER LINE wish you all the best.
10 Years Can anyone explain what is going on !! 10 Years record ? wish you the best.
we are entering the buy zoon !!! do you have the courage to buy right now !!! sounds very risky with every thing going on these day Election + Covid 19. Just bear in mind, if we are crashing this would be a text book FALSE SIGNAL !!! CRASHS LAST OVER A YEAR (ONE YEAR) wish you all the best.
1/ Accumulation 2/ then Publics participation3/ then distribution (DOW THEORY) in which stage you think we are in right now !!! Million Dollar question !!! choose wisely :-). You should Ride this train, till money dry up Make sure you choose the right station to exit DOW THEORY rephrased by me :-) wish you all the best.