$DRR has been in the market for 12 year, this market jus dont settle for less, they want more, starting year 2019 theyre proving that they can be more and started to reach the top of the mountains. even during the pandemic they still surpass the problems they're facing " “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end...
$CALX had a BIG MOVEMENTS this year. Slowly rising this year to reach its highest point at 10.52 and later on had its lowest point as well at 5.84. As the month of April started, $CALX works well in reaching another success. Today, at the price of 9.45 which is really good they can go higher. I can see a BULLISH market here by the end of the month.
As the month of April is about to end $LTBR is still having a problem maintaining the price of their stock. On April 7, 2020, $LTBR experienced its lowest price at 1.78, since they started last Dec. 6, 2000, that day also they manage to have their highest price at 4038. That was really far from their price today. Since April 21, 2020, their prices plummets...