Trading is time sensitive, you still sleeping? YELLOW-previous monthly low and high BLUE-previous weekly high and low GREEN-previous daily high ang low As observed we are trading in a dip. Dips can be a little confusing, and cause not only frustration but loss of capital invested. The best way to trade a dip is to be patient, highlight your high and low and keep...
What?, price is going to what? A question that requires one to attach meaning to sense. I MEAN REALLY ,it's the only question that matters to traders, even bots, haha. BUY LOW, SELL HIGH; Monthly awareness, weekly evaluation + daily consistency. One can either buy below a low, at the low or buy below a high, mostly after observing a sell first and the opposite...
A setup is what you see and it is made from basic principles such as highs and lows. A strategy comes from understanding inner working principles of market structure, mainly the TREND of any given asset class and the overall determining factor is how profitable one is in any given month.
This idea is for, 1.Time-based traders who respect the market, 2.Early trend catchers who understand in the basic law, SELL HIGH BUY LOW. Simple as it is, this idea only applies to the consistent trader, one who understands the measures required for profitability. For one to win, one has to accept that the odds of losing are the same. Profitability requires a...
My argument and what most traders would say is, it depends. The reality however is that it depends on how you look at it. The users 'eye' if adjusted to look at it right, then yes it is a profitable career to say the least, or at least I think so. Understanding is one of the key factors that play a major role in whether or not you walk away smiling or...
What is trend trading? Trend trading is similar to swing trading only that it is applied across the board even by scalpers. A trader places a trade based on the trend therefore depending on only one side to reap profits, SELL OR BUY. It is my argument that trading in itself, the actual execution of a trade requires a trader to bear in mind the trend or...