This is not something unusual however in the crypto market which is supposed to be more of a free market it may be corruption has set in with naked shorting. If this is the case then this market will turn into a market very similar to the stock market and futures and will indeed no longer be the free market and decentralized that it is promoted as being. This...
It's not time for panic but it does seem that we might have some unusual and unexpected sell off forming here on not only EITH but other coins including BTC, LTC, and this will translate into the entire market. XRP also going down... THIS IS NOT A PANIC SELLING YET BUT IT NEEDS TO BE WATCHED... My sentiment in this market is EXTREMELY BULLISH however there...
There's a race now that's forming with the BIG THREE CRYPTOS that is BTC, LTC, and ETH. And the race is on. Are you in the race? I don't think there's a FINISH LINE either I think this is just a long cross-country and global run that is about to open doors to new investment opportunities never before imagined. GLTA.
LITECOIN is going to drive investors crazy. I only hope we can buy another dip but it doesn't look like it anymore.
LITECOIN cannot stay below $100 for much longer and after that breakout above $100 its anyone's guess to where this goes: Pick a number: $500, $1,000, $3,000...all of them are highly probable expectations.
LTC is now ranking NUMBER 3 in VOLUME and NUMBER 4 in MARKET CAP. BTC DOMINANCE dropped to 38% and soon LTC DOMINANCE is going to be displayed. It's possible that LTC will pass ETH in price and will dominate the crypto market next to BTC. After August 1st the improvements in the blockchain will push BTC higher also and the race to infinity will be more than...
When LTC breaks out, I believe it is going to thrust like ETH did from the 80''s which could actually put LTC much higher than $60 in the near term. $100 LTC and even $200 would be a game changer for the top trading currencies as LTC is moving up now on the charts and even BTC is losing it's BTC DOMINANCE at 38%. It's possible LTC and BTC will live up to their...
I expect that my price guesses are on the shallow side of this LITECOIN. LITECOIN LTC has been ignored and is coming to life. LITECOIN is probably going to be the peer to peer go to crypto due to it's speedy transaction capabilities. BITCOIN will be the BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY while ETHEREUM is the APPL and GOOG of cryptos but LITECOIN is going to surprise us to the...
Today some things happened that were a bit not expected however now that we see what is going on we may have an idea where this Cryptosphere is going from here. It appears that today's notable price pullback in BTC was a result of many investors leaving BTC and rushing into ETH thus loading up the blockchain systems and overloading market computations and...
There's so much news now that ETH or "Ethereum" is about to take the lead that we might have just seen a massive exit from BTC today that caused a chain reaction of events spilling across the Cryptosphere into other crypto currencies and generating a sort of SECTOR SHIFT into other coins that will be seen in the upcoming price action over the next couple of weeks....
LTC has some advantages with faster transaction computations and the fact that it has been sitting rather quiet lately as a high ranking crypto currency not getting much press. But when it wakes up it might be the next ETH as ETH moves into the ranks of BTC and ETH might even take over BTC. Got LTC?
We have to chart one for THE BEARS too just to be fair. GLTA!
ETH is constantly praised in the news but in the crypto market you do not sell the news as you do on Wall Street. Crypto news just keeps getting bettter. ETH $1,000 this year is a conservative estimate.
Current price action shows the potential for a pullback. We believe several hedge funds are getting in here and shorting this trying to drive price down. We could see near term $1,800 level on BTC but still believe $3,000 to $4,000 by AUGUST is likely. If we get too many hedge funds with a negative bias toward BTC we may need to reevaluate the sentiment. Also...
We have a DOWNSIDE RISK that has formed which could cause BTC to visit $1800 here in the short term. Still BULLISH however and $4000 by August is easily reachable. *******CORRECTION CHART SHOULD READ BULLISH $3000 to $4000 by AUGUST. REMEMBER AUGUST 1st IS A KEY DATE FOR BIP 148.
LITE COIN LTC or SILVER 2.0 we believe is getting prepared for a shocking breakout to $100 and higher. These coins will no longer be referred to as ALT COINS but they will be referred to as LARGE CAP COINS.
LTC has been lagging and with no apparent reason. The good news it had with SegWit should have accelerated this crypto but it has had a delayed reaction We think that $50 is in the cards soon for LTC and that might be a very conservative estimate. $100 this year is easily reachable given the enormous price action of other cryptos. Bargain hunters are going to...