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After a serious slump we see some life in SEDG. Stock went through a constructive bottoming phase with three retests on low volume followed by surges of accumulation. Last three swings show higher highs and higher lows. Yesterday the stock bounced off the 50d SMA and surged through major resistance at 14.50. It is now trading at the next major resistance level...
After hints that iPhone7 orders are "in the normal range" AAPL sees some selling pressure. If the breakout fails it can turn into a short trade.
If this market decline continous we have to ask the question if it will widen to a meaningful correction or not. In my other post I made a case for a long UVXY play. Question is how do you know when to take profits on any long UVXY trade? Actually this is simple and doesn't involve watching Price&Volume of UVXY. Just focus on the big stocks like FB, AMZN, GOOGL...
Golds does what gold does during a major market decline. Namely it rises. If yesterday was just a sucker rally this could bounce hard along with gold. This related to my UVXY idea from last friday and the action of leading big stocks. I don't believe that the market is a FED puppet and it might just prove that soon.
I see an epic opportunity arising in VIX related products like UVXY and TVIX and would like to share my opinion on this. As most are aware, articles are popping up left and right saying that shorting the UVXY is a 100% risk-free long term investment . Some go further and label the VIX short as the trade of the decade. Moreover there are figures actually showing...
Fracking name EMES is holding up relatively tight despite fridays market turmoil. It is resilence like that immediately after a breakout that is meaningful behaviour.