Broker Awards

The TradingView Broker Awards are where the world's best compete to show off their brokering capabilities on an international stage.

Celebrating 5 years


Brokers on our platform


Active users worldwide


Successfully executed live orders


Traders connected through us

Best of the best

Topping the 2024 list, this prestigious award is given to one standout performer who has demonstrated exceptional achievements across all categories.

Global champions

Celebrating the brokers that have excelled on the international stage, showcasing outstanding performance, and innovation on the global market.

Best by asset classes

Highlighting brokers that have demonstrated excellence in managing and optimizing various asset classes for their users.

Best by region

Giving recognition where recognition is due to brokers that have excelled in regional markets, providing outstanding performance, and localized services to meet market needs.

Best in forex and CFD by region

Celebrating the champions of AMER, APAC, and EMEA. These brokers have gone above and beyond to provide outstanding service and localized tools to meet the needs of forex and CFD markets in their respective regions.

Who's next?

Help your favorite win in 2025 by going to our Top Brokers page, finding your broker, and leaving a review.

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