Reviews from actual traders
to many errors
Slow, not updating with Tradingview in realtime. Having issues with alpaca window locking up. need this fixed to use in realtime with real money.
im stuck in this trade and cant get out of it?.
Phone is busy all day, I called 17 times. They don't reply to emails about not being able to trade crypto. Even though it says trade crypto, stocks and etfs.
You guys have a problem with connecting the app trading view to alpaca.
Cant trade crypto even though its advertised
The apis. Just wish they supported pass keys. Logging in all the time stinks.
Love it
Good, easy to use
I cant trade TELCOIN and other cryptos on TradingView. Im going to close my account.
Some symbols are not supported for Multi-leg options. PLTR being one of them :(
I would like it to be easy to set stop loss and take profit target...I have read a lot of articles on how to do it and I still I am confused... I used to have interactive brokers and I am thinking to stop work with alpaca.
Good job
Good about placing orders!
concerned of not being able to trade crypto
Works really well, especially for devs who want to setup automated trades as it has a very nice API to integrate with.
Love Alpaca I wish it had more support by places like Plaid. I also wish it had bracket orders for after hours. Otherwise absolutely love it!