AAPL Setup, with ,,, no crisis will happen

By Carlosdrcunha
new aaple setup,
AAPL on the long sight.
im not following news these days unfortunatly, ive been working a lot and not havin time time to follow news, but at least the sentiment in portugal is positive, it is wht i feel at least, im not euphoriac by now so, it is not the end of the bull, it is positive, unfortunatly im not in america, and im not in uk, but in portugal we live in a positive sentiment, in my point of view there are some setups for a savings account as we can feel, you can invest in aapl as in sp500 or eu50(eurostoxx 50)(maybe the best one to invest), invest and keep it there, u will make some bucks,
with it, u living in a good sentiment world, so people is working happy, and the economy is working, as far as i can see,(im not watching the news), so this is all wht an guy can say about the sentiment of the markets withount any bad or good news, just feeling the days that have happened before, or portugal is a paradise that nothing bad happens. So if u like to have a nice life buy a house in portugal, btw talk with me first to gain some bucks in ur home accquisition( im not working in the field, but i can gain some for it, if u dont mind)(better who said to you than anyother who try to trick u) :)
so im positive on the markets, i just setuped Apple because so, - maybe because beeing the biggets in MCap in the markets ( thats my trick) all i know is i feel it is a good time to make some bucks and apple will prosper, and maybe without their problem with wht to do now, they just should think on it, not us.

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AKA a beer!

if u want to make some bucks just invest with risk management in a good index, thats ur bucks on, nothing specific in shares wht im doing now.
i can give u a tip, im not bad humor with EU50., but as always, use "greed managment".
AAPLaaplbuyaaplelongaapl_longaaplshortHarmonic Patterns
