APPLE @ Daily @ Basic Scenarios after all-time high 2015

By Devise2Day
Main DownSide Trend - 132.84 (2015/07/20) & 123.60 (2015/11/04) - BreakedUp 2016/08/01
The question i am asking myself is: "Are all bearish formation are processed - and be left behind ???"
  • the SellOff day in August`15
  • the selling pressure in january`16
  • the trendreversal in hune`16 & july`16
  • the DownSide Gap in may`16 & august`16

From there the actuallity TradingBox is essential - for higehr prices !!! `Cause it confirms only waht iam trying to explain. How ever, i am thuiking the chart speaks for itself. A good price action above 112.52 & 108.13 while the next 5 trading days next week should animate more traders to except a better development again - and even as consequence create a new upside trend into 123.79 & 119.94 at least. Before it again goes to 134.63 at least (even all-time high) and higher !?

But don`t get euphoric !!!
I am personally pretty neutral, `cause this autumn we`ve got a sideway trend under the dash ...
Only when AAPL trade this week above the TradingBox (112.52 & 108.13) this week - so in the next 5 days - i`ll get long again probably :)

Take care
& analyzed it again
- it`s always your decission ...
(for a bigger picture zoom the chart)

Best regards

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