So Apple is now worth 2 trillion dollars.

This comes almost as an insult to all of the America and the rest of the world, that is drowning under a mountain of debts and unemployment, current or expected, and a coming wave foreclosures, divorces, suicides and other social unrest, that is to come from the economic despair we are all about to get mired in.

The continued lockdowns and the travel restrictions- the insanity that was imposed upon us, to "save us" from the virus that turned out to be no deadlier than the common flue, have artificially destroyed a booming global economy of 2019, but gave an excuse for the FED to open the taps of the "Unlimited liquidity", to purportedly prevent a chain of defaults, and to stop the deleveraging of the markets. And even though the latter was necessary indeed, the results of centrally planning the monetary policy, just as the results of centrally planning anything else, were, as always, poor at best.

As it is said in the "Princes of the Yen", the central banks are just yet another bureaucratic institution, that has power and no responsibility or accountability, which is a dangerous combination, and just as anyone who has power, the central bankers seek to increase it. The crises are the events that give central bankers power. They create bubbles using this power, and then create the crises after the bubble bursts that requires even more central banking involvement in the economy. Each following bubble/crisis is worse than the one before. And no, this is not a feature of capitalism. Capitalism is the greatest wealth creation system ever designed. Boom and bust, is a feature of centrally planning money supply and interest rates. And while I am in the camp of those, who think that it is an unintended byproduct, ain't it conspicuous that every single time saving the economy ends up in us all saving the rich. Or rather, making them richer. And I haven't even mentioned the federal and state debt burden incurred during the "pandemic" that will plague our children and grandchildren. For those who think that government debts don't matter: go read a book or two on economics and history.

Just to make it clear: we are witnessing the greatest redistribution of wealth in the history of mankind, that shadows all the previous QE programs and subsidies and loans and tax breaks, in scale and speed of the gains. Feast in Time of Plague....Almost literally this time by the way. But while the plague is shallow at best, the feast is rich beyond belief.

On a darker note, I will repeat:
I am convinced that the we have not yet felt the full magnitude of the economic apocalypse that is coming. By the late autumn or the new year lates, we will start counting and feeling the losses. And those will be felt acutely for the next decade to come, at least. Those who are delusional enough to think that shutting off a significant part of the economy for 5 months(so far) won't have a lasting impact on lives and the economy are fooling themselves and will have a harsh awakening. Some of those "intellectuals" , who though they were irreplaceable, and looked down at those unemployed "low-skilled workers" through a glass of cold Chardonnay, will learn the error of their ways by discovering they suddenly lost their incomes too.

And while a phrase:"learn to code" is a standard response to those discovering their job is gone, in the «funny» fields like SJW-journalism, gender studies or liberal arts, the phrase more appropriate on this web-site would be: learn to trade! The markets will stay opened during the harshest of the crises, so if you learn to milk those swing cows, you will never be hungry again. And if the markets get shut down, then you know that the wheels fell off, finally, and you probably need to head to the nuclear bunker, with a gun and a bag of rice big enough to last you through the winter.

Anyhow, thats the end of my rant, thank you for reading! I appreciate all the comments and opinions, so feel free to tell me what you think of my rant below. Also, like and subscribe and have a nice day!

I guess it is important to add, that the post is not about criticism of the Apple company itself, but of the fact that it's stock is rallying ahead of the massive recession that is coming, and of the system that made it possible.
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