ACMUSDT | Falling Parallel Channel - Bullish Divergence

By dukeposh
Price action and chart pattern trading
> Falling parallel channel correction - Entry @ Pullback
> Target upper parallel channel resistance / SMA50
> 2nd target at key volume profile resistance level
> Stoploss at the lowest LLS bullish candlestick
> RRR: 3:1

> Smart money strong volume support
> Banker chip multiple entries
> Fundflow RSI bullish divergence signal coming out of the oversold zone
> KDJ stochastic bullish divergence
> BBD signal bullish approaching baseline indicating stong uptrend swing

Always trade with affordable risk and respect your stoploss
bankerchipbbdsignalBullish DivergenceChart PatternsfundflowparallelchannelspriceactionpullbackentrysmartmoneyTrend AnalysisWave Analysis
