What it's Cardano? The Blockchain of Third Generation

What is Cardano?

1.It's a Blockchain platform for change makers, innovators, and visionaries, with the tools and technologies required to create a possibiliy for the many, as well as the few, and bring about positive global chnage.
2. Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform and it's the first to be founded on peer-re viewe research and developed through evidence-based methods.
3. Cardano is a decentralized third generation proof-of-stake platform It's the first blockchain platform to envolve out of a scientific philosophy and a research-first driven approach.
4. Cardano combines the pioneering technologies to provide unparalleled security and sustainability to decentralized applications, systems, and societies.
5. Cardano have a team of engineers that they redistribute power from uncountable structures to the margins-to individuals-and be an enabling force for positive change and progress.
6. The Cardano platform has been designed from the ground up and verified by an industry leading, combination of top engineers and academic experts in the fields of blockchain and cryptography.
7. Cardano is an open source project that aims to deliver an inclusive, fair, and resilient infrastructure for financial and social applications on a global scale.
8. One benefits that Cardano make is to restores trust to global systems-creating,through science, more secure, transparent, and sustaiable foundation for individualsto transact and exchange, systems to govern, and enterprises to grow.
9. Cardano works as proof-of-stake and the same time proof-of-work protocols. That mean that this protocol make a Cardano a network so secure.
10.Cardano is the nexus of these fives principles: people, purpose, technology, research and opportunity

Cardano's Features:

a) The proof of stake and ouroboros are the most environmentally sustainable blockkchain protocol:
Ouroboros is the first peer-reviewed, verifiably secure blockchain protocol, and Cardano is the first blockchain to implement it.
Ouroboros enables the Cardano network's decentralization, and allows it to sustainably scale to global requirements without, crucially, compromise and security. This protocol is the culmination of tireless effort, building on foundational research, and is propelle by a vision for more secure and transparent global payment systems, and a means to redistribute more early, power and control.
b) The highest standars in development, rooted in science:
Cardano is developed using evidence-based methods a novel combination of formal methods, which are normally found in critical high-stake applications, and an agile approach, which helps the project remain adaptable and responsive to emerging requirements and new innovations. That support a global applications, systems, and solutions.
c) Unparalleled security-and the making of a trustless world:
Cardano makes it possible for any actors that do not know each other, and have no reason to trust one another-to interact and transact, securely. It's a platform for building trust where none might naturally exist, opening up whole new markets and opportunities. Through ouroboros, Cardano is provably secure against be actors and sybill attacks.
d) Open and Incentivized Participation:
Cardano is an open-source project deveoped through open participation. That ensure the longevity and health of the network.
Cardano features an incentive mechanism that rewards users-either as stake pool operators or stake delegators-for-their participation. The platform is built and expanded through enhancement and improvement protocols. Cardano governance system give everyone a democratic voice, ADA holders can submit or vote on proposals to upgrade the platform or help determine the direction of development. The goverance model uniquely positions Cardano for future growth and development, and that allow it to introduce new capability tailored to its were needs.
e)Extremely scalable and environmentally sustainable:
Ouroboros allows Cardano to scale requirements with minimal energy requirements.

What Cardano resolve for our society and life facets?
1) Cardano is built by a decentralized community of scientists, engineers, and thought leaders united in a common purpose: to create a technology platform-that will ignite the positive change the world needs.
2) It's a platform with enfocous to built for a sustainable future, to help people work better together, trust one another, and build global solutions to global problems.
3) Cardano brings a new standard in technology for our society. It's an open and inclusive to challenge the old and activate a new age of sustainable, globally-distributed innovation.
4) Cardano it's pioneering tech begins with groundbreaking research
5) The staging point for every new opportunity. Cardano's empower your business through the Blockchain, and discover the future of technology.

What are the use of cases in Cardano?
Health Care

My Personal Opinion:

Cardano it's a cryptocurrency that pretend to resolve a lot the scability, security and create a big community of entrepeneur, enthusiastic, and everyone can to participate in this proyect to develop a big change in the world for new innovations, technologies, and resolve everything based in the philosophy scientific. The only thing that I see in this cryptocurrency it's that there're not any cryptocurrrencies with this strong and solid physolophy and the goal what Cardano trying to get the world more better for us. And I consider this cryptocurrency as the best and it's my first cryptocurrency that I reccomend for everyone. As people called me as Cardano collaborator, I believe that I'm near to become a collaborator in this cryptocurrency and work with Cardano to crate new opportunities, solve problems and create a world better fo the next generation. In this year, Cardano was up until the top #3 just for below of Bitcoin and Ethereum, but in April a big competitor called XRP beat a lot cryptocurrency, include Cardano. Another idea that I thinking it's that I'm 100% sure that Cardano it's going to go back to the top #3 and there's a big chances that Cardano beat Ethereum. All problem that Cardano may to resolve what Ethereum do not implement this technology. But in anohter specail analysis, I will goign to talk about the difference of Cardano vs. Ethereum and explain very well it. But, XRP it's another giant cryptocurrency that make a lot competence with Cardano. But well. another idea that I thinking it's to sell all my cryptocurrencies to buy more Cardano!!! It's mean, sell Ethereum, XRP (little), Bitcoin, Chainlink, EOS, Tezos and Litecoin (all there) to buy more Cardano. I mentioned that I thinking to sell XRP (little), becuase XRP could to make an adoption too. But, I beleive that XRP and Cardano goes to hand by hand. Or another idea could be to hold my 5,000 XRP and just use Bybit that I have 1,300 XRP in Bybit to continue re-accumulating more XRP and then, make a withdraw to sell my XRP to buy more Cardano. i have over 10,000 Cardano, but if right now, I put to sell my cryptocurrency for Cardano, I can to get near others 10,000 Cardano coins, and plus wiht my 11,234 Cardano coins, I overpass my 20,000 Cardano coins. But, at the moment, this will being my idea to accumulate more Cardano than accumulating Chainlink or Ethereum, becuase Cardano may to grow up more than Etheruem or Chainlink. That it's a hide difference in it.

Guys, that is it. This it's my Cardano fundamental analysis and if you feel that it's inspirator for you. You can to share this fundamental analysis with others crypto-enthusiastic and hands up to repply this information.
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