ADBE- Adobe is an AI stock but gets no credit Buy the Reversal

By AwesomeAvani
ADBE and its Creative Cloud is most definitely part of the AI supertrend, It will help creative

content work faster and with more creativity. The company has a healthy balance sheet and

not a Johnnie Com-elately. As a megacap it does not move fast but it is as steady as it gets.

Not to be in the headlines with ARM, PLTR, GOOG, MSFT and a whole bunch of others, it

makes its money the old fashioned way it earns it keeping its legions of subscribers productive

with its products and the support of them.

On the 240 minute chart, I have shown price action cycling through a slow trend up and

then a breakdown through the VWAP bands. Price is now reversing with a signal firing on

the mass index indicator. The first target is 590 at the mean VWAP bandline while others

are 615 and 640. In many ways software companies like PLTR and MSFT are hotter than

Super Micro-Computers ASML and the semi-conductors. I need more software companies

in my deployed plays. ABDE is setup for a trade up and I will take a long trade of stocks

and some call options.

Trade active
Follow up with zoom-in and trade plan for partial profit or alternative add to the position

Trade active
Trade s risk free and stop loss on shares is 2% above break even stop loss on the call options right aat break even. Added to shares when price faded to the moving average cloud. Buying at th top is risky but the trade is risk free at this point overall.

ABDEacrobatAIanchoredvwapfireflyitstocksoftwarestockTrend LinesVolatilityVolume
