We are entering the age of AI. According to MIT, "Interactive massively parallel computations are critical for machine learning and data analysis" (A).

The world is becoming more centralized than ever. Companies with the largest amount of resources will be able to afford the largest amount of computation. According to MIT, "the computing power needed to train AI is now rising seven times faster than ever before" (B 2019).

That was in 2019. Fast forward to 2024. The demand for computation is skyrocketing.

AI is dubbed the final invention mankind needs to create. Such monumental technology will transform the world and create an ultra concentration of power, the likes of which has never been seen before. Who will dominate this power? Corporations. If we thought we already lived in a corporatocracy, we have not seen anything yet.

In comes Akash.

AKT allows the common man, the common researcher, the common company to access vast computational resources to train the neural networks of AI. AKT represents computational freedom.

To quote AKT's website, "You will own your cloud, and be happy".

You will own your AI, and be happy.

A. Reuther et al., "Interactive Supercomputing on 40,000 Cores for Machine Learning and Data Analysis," 2018 IEEE High Performance extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), Waltham, MA, USA, 2018, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/HPEC.2018.8547629.

B. technologyreview.com/2019/11/11/132004/the-computing-power-needed-to-train-ai-is-now-rising-seven-times-faster-than-ever-before/
AIakashnetworkAKTElliott WavefreedomGrowthsupercloudValue
