ALGO's remarkable growth!

By MonoCoinSignal
ALGO has registered a growth of 11% in the last 24 hours. The price of this currency, which is in a range trend in the daily time frame, broke (fake) its support level in the range of 0.26 to 0.28 dollars. The support of buyers has led to the return of high prices in this area. Therefore, we expect a good reaction in case of a pullback to this area. The overall trend momentum is still bearish, and there is selling pressure in the market. The price trend of this currency is upward in the 1-hour time frame, but considering the range of the trend in the 4-hour time frame and the resistance in the range of 0.32 to 0.33 dollars, we expect a negative reaction to this range. For the next week, if this currency returns above the range of $0.36, it is likely that we can see an upward trend in the 4-hour time frame.
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