Apes Watch a Slow Motion Train Crash for Years to Come

By noam_chom
I already am eating from the trash can all the time.
The name of this trash can is ideology.
The material force of ideology makes me not see what I am effectively eating.

This one is not going to be good for your mental health.

AMC just purchased a Gold Mining Company? truth really is stranger than fiction

NOTICE: the AMC low of the year 2022 should be $7 worst case.

the vertical axis and line drawing feature aren't accurate enough to make the line go exactly where i wanted it to go
start of a nice little rally back to $20 today. cheers to the APES holding tight
$20-21 reached as planned, now this is going to eventually have to fade. might get to $23-25 next week
dead cat went much higher than my guess. look for it to fade slowly down to 15 again
nearing peak fear, i see a lot of sellers on AMC
peak fear is upon us
Comment: ready for a bounce to around $10 before EoY (spot today near 6.25)
the hype around the GME Netflix documentary is fading
only areas i missed in 2022 were the estimate of the worst case. Shares are sub $5.00 which was tough to envision early in the year. The ape army have given up
APE army in disarray and now target of humor and mockery by large Netflix and Youtube documentaries. I see this remaining under $6 for a long time still probably 10-15 months of horizontal trading accumulation. My new strategy recommendation is to buy when price is under $3.90 and then sell when price is above $5.50 that yields almost 50% gain
God Bless the Apes may they rest in Peace. The market has completely destroyed all retail equity in this security. AMC is now trading 50% below its pre-MOASS lows. Quite literally the most heart crushing stock trade in the past decade.
carnage continues
AMCamcstockapesmakingmoneyFundamental AnalysisgamestopGMETechnical IndicatorsmoassretailshortsqueezeTrend Analysis
