They did this to AMP. Will they do it to ACH?

This is a "tutorial" about attitude and expectations.

Greetings from central Pennsylvania, USA. You can call me "Pops" if you want. Or "Pappy Eric." Most importantly, though; STAY OFF MY LAWN!!!

The wealth of knowledge provided by Tino of Traders Reality YouTube channel is what enabled me to stop traditional work at age 59 and support myself full-time with digital asset investing and trading. Read that sentence again. I am a GRANDFATHER who transformed my financial life by listening to an altruistic fellow named Tino, who cuts through all the BS. By the way, I was a union steel worker and I'll be 60 in October. I made my first digital asset purchase in November of 2020 and now I wonder how I was ever happy taking home only a grand or so a week. Tough to get ahead at that rate. Anyway...

Almost nobody talks about market manipulation. Frankly, that is the only thing that matters. Thank you for teaching me that, Tino.

So... I like AMP. And ACH, too. I saw them dump AMP to .04800000 the other day. I immediately recognized that all those zeroes are a hallmark signature of market makers, as Tino calls them. Go. To. Traders. Reality. So I immediately looked for a prior - and PRECISE - .04800000 and there it was, more than a month prior. Gimme a break. Even an old fuddy-duddy like me can recognize that as manipulation.

At this point it made sense - for ME - to compare AMP to ACH and see if they might do something similar to ACH. I then IMMEDIATELY invested the better part of 18-hours smoking cigarettes and drinking sugar free Red Bulls while I extensively - obviously - compared the AMP and ACH previous price action to each other.

After investing that time I did find something in the ACH charts and I made a decision. I'll tell you what that decision was after it plays out. It could be hours from now. Maybe days. I don't care. I have no FOMO or FUD. And I don't give financial advice to anyone but myself. Attitude advice, yes. Nor am I a financial expert for anyone but myself. The last decision I made was a few weeks ago and it made me $23,646.52 between 5am and noon of a particular day. About a week before that I made something like $3,500 in 22-minutes.

E = MC squared is Einstein's Theory of Relativity. I once saw it modified to E = R. That's "Effort = Results." I'm a 59-year old dude who invested over 1,500 hours studying the digital asset market so I could achieve the freedom to work from home and earn more money than going to work for someone else every day.

Find Traders Reality and start learning. Tino has no idea I'm posting this. Chances are good he'll never see it. But you go and listen to that man for an hour and you will realize he is totally sincere in his desire to help us little guys understand and profit from how the market makers move prices.

ACHAMPBeyond Technical Analysistradersreality
