Amazon Prime Day

Prime Day

Prime day happens every year since 2015. This event allows AMZN prime members to access exclusive discounts for 2 days. This usually happens in July but due to COVID-19 it did not happen this year. Rumors are now circulating that Prime day will be announced soon, the general consensus is that it will be Oct 5-6 and no later than Oct 20.

15 days prior to Prime day for the past 5 years AMZN stock has went up and average of 7.6%. Currently reaching weekly demand zone, this should start to pick up steam as investors await for a date. Once announced AMZN should see a nice pop to the upside. A 7.6% increase at the current price would bring AMZN to about 3300 from where it stands now.

Naked options on this would be risky but a vertical spread would be less risk/more reward.
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