This post has 2 language version, English and Indonesian, so everyone and Indonesian people can understand it.
EN : On the 1 weekly timeframe, ASRI share price decreased by 35.20% (107 Rupiah) after retesting the selling area (Supply Zone) which is in the price range of 308-22 per share, if we analyze using the Supply & Demand method, the highest probability for ASRI shares at this time, the price will continue to fall to the buy area (Demand Zone) which is in the price range 116-105 per share, but there is a potential buy zone ( Demand Area) which is in the price range of 166-147 per share.
ID : Pada timeframe 1 mimnggu, harga saham ASRI mengalami penurunan sebesar 35.20% (107 Rupiah) setelah melakukan retest pada area jual (Supply Zone) yang berada pada rentang harga 308-22 per lembar saham, jika melakukan analisa menggunakan metode Supply & Demand, probabilitas tertinggi untuk saham ASRI saat ini adalah harga akan terus jatuh hingga ke area beli (Demand Zone) 116-105 per lembar saham, namum terdapat area beli (Demand Zone) yang cukup potensial untuk untuk harga kembali naik, area beli tersebut berada pada rentang harga 166-147 per lembar saham.
*Opinions expressed here are not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results or investment advice, and are subject to change based on market and other conditions.