Bearish Potential ... Watchful Waiting | $AUD $JPY #RBA #BOJ

By 4xForecaster

Potential reversal has emerged - albeit quite speculative - on the back of an expanding triangle near-completion at Point-5, as well as a prop-pattern potential ("Great White").

TECH-NOTE: The Case For A Higher Point-5:
1 - Note that such triangles can often post an overlap of Point-5 across its 1-3 line, so further rallying is not excluded.
2 - Point-5 might point higher on the basis of an incomplete a-b-c wave pattern

I would seek reversal confirmation signals based on your own methodology first and foremost. However, I thought it worse posting. Predictive Model remains BULLISH at this point, hence the "speculative" qualifier on this one.

If and once the predictive model comes into alignment with above speculative plan, then I release a series of target with better definitions - Again: IF and ONCE.


- Pattern play is BEARISH
- Predictive Model is BULLISH
- NET consideration is NEUTRAL
= Favors bearish downturn, pending confirmation


David Alcindor
Predictive Analysis & Forecasting
