AUD/NZD 4hr Double Bottom

Possible Double Bottom, RSI has confirm that its over sold.
Trade active
The trade is going as expected.

50 pips guaranteed, waiting for the second target. When it hits the second target it will be close but I have a 3rd trade and that will just stay activated, I will just move the SL at my TP of the first trade of 50 pips.
Trade closed: stop reached
I had 3 trades.

- Trade 1: It hit 1st target for 50pips
- Trade 2: Got close, I broke even
- Trade 3: Got close, I broke even

I got stop out because of the election (USA) which had a spike down, but after that it would have had hit all my targets.
4hrAUDNZDDouble Bottomlcmsluisk_93menendez
