Looking for Sells on AUDUSD

DXY appears to be bullish with a liduidty void that needs to be filled. There are some lows that are about 30 pips+ away for AUDUSD that I'm thinking will be targeted. Looking for a small retracement on the 1 hr where I'll take my entry and sell down. Wondering if the news at 0930 will give me a boost to the down side to accomplish the sell objectives. We shall see! Friday's Low for the Day has been violated...
Trade active
I'm currently in a sell for AUDUSD... Not gonna stay in too long, but we shall see how it goes... lot of retracement on the lower time frame, but so far it's playing out as expected.
Trade active
Initial liquidity profits hit... final target may be tough but we shall see.... gonna look for another entry later this morning (ny session
final target hit overnight! AUDUSD played out better than expected! :-)
Trade closed: target reached
TP hit!!
Trend Analysis
