How to buy Chainlink more than 10 times cheaper than it is now?

Position: Long
Entry price: $0.70 - $0.80 or below
Exit price: $10 or above
Type of position: long term (6 months to 1 year)

Short Answer: Buy Band protocol while it is at such a discount.

Long answer: Band protocol has many similarities with Chainlink which is one of the best performing coins of the last 2 years. Chainlink reached a price of $1 just a few days before its mainnet launch before it had any partnership with google. Chainlink has 10 times higher total supply than band protocol so the equivalent price of band protocol would be $10 at its mainnet launch. Right now it is trading around $0.68 (with circulating market cap of 11 million and fully diluted market cap of 65 million). I think it is a bargain as the team look very solid and it is a question of time before they make this 10x return to begin with. Moreover, they are launching their mainnet in 7 days:

This is a quote from their whitepaper:
"Existing data provider networks, such as ChainLink or Oraclize, require asynchronous interactions between smart contracts and data layers. Not only does this method complicates smart contract implementations, it also introduces a significant delay as two blockchain transactions need to be executed and confirmed sequentially.... Band Protocol shifts the paradigm and instead provides an intuitive
query interface for decentralized applications to receive real-world data as a simple function call to a static smart contract. Query occurs in one transaction."

So we might argue that it is even better oracle service than chainlink but time will tell.
Trade active
I bought quite a bit of BAND at $0.5 with just a few hours before the mainnet launch. I think that we might get some noise and possibly Binance making a trading competition for BAND but we will see. Moreover, BTCUSD is likely to have a bounce as described in this idea:
Bitcoin's two potential pathways from here.
BANDBTCBANDUSDTBullish PatternsFundamental Analysislongtermoracle
