Per Request: $BCD Should You Enter & Where Is The Exit Level?

By blockchaindedi
Bitcoin Diamond not really long time ago was having a really manipulated market as the maintenance happened on Binance wallet, causing the local market on Bitcoin Diamond locked and pumped while other exchange follow through with such percentage and most traders really trading speculatively hoping that they can buy cheap and dump it on Binance. Yes it's work. For me. I'm the one who do so even i'm not selling on Binance because i know based on my experience i won't have time and luckily i'm right. Even, i'm profiting twice. Big profit and really small percentage of it afterwards just based on speculative reasons.

Unfortunately, not many was like me. Some might trapped on the higher price as side effect of that for real. So some of them might looking for an entry right now for averaging down their holding (DCA - Dollar Cost Average / BCA - Bitcoin Cost Average).

At the moment Bitcoin Diamond sitting on precisely 30K sats. This fork was quite hyped back then. BCD having 10x total supply of Bitcoin, I'm not really sure, but if they think they can replace the original Bitcoin, they might go wrong. Since that many supply must be for scalable purpose tho.

Sure thing is they are listed on quite many exchange as benefit of fork. Plus due to Bitcoin ORIGINAL volatility, we can only lean on the chart right now.

A slight bullish in my opinion, with 45:30:25 for Bullish:Bearish:Sideway.

Indicators looks good at the moment, my bullish tendencies will have 4% - 15% target on few days ahead at least. Black dots, plus the RSI level still giving it room for a slight growth before it might take a chill donw.

Otherwise, we need to see that if price action break my box and lines we will go bearish and re-asses the chart, probably it will invalidated this setup; or if it stay in it it will go sideway, most likely.

Trade safe!

If you're looking for higher time frame, really it will be such a waste, as this stuff really linked on BTC price.
hit my 4% target.

Trade closed: target reached
BCDbcdanalysisBCDBTCbcdneutralbcdsetupbitcoindiamondbitcoindiamondsignalblockchaindediSupply and DemandSupport and ResistanceupdateVolatility
