Hard to even imagine that Brent Crude hit $149 back in 2008. Now standing at 22.32 surely this looks a good place to buy. At these low levels there's no historical support buy with RSI on the Monthly time frame at 26 and signs of a move north on mid time frames I'm in on this trade at 22.39 with a STOP under the low at 16.95 and a provisional target at WR1 Pivot at 30.67. Should we get anywhere near there the T.P. will be moved as once the BULLS get into this market we could go much higher particularly if DJT open up America as he likes to claim he's doing. Might still be a rocky ride ahead for Brent Crude but this looks a decent opportunity for a LONG trade.
BCOUSDbcousdlongBeyond Technical AnalysisbrentbrentcrudeoilChart PatternscrudeOilCrude Oil WTI
