These Governmental institutions are going to be loosing all credibility, if they have any left.
One says that cryptocurrencies are "securities", the other is saying that cryptocurrencies are "commodities" and are starting a public fight over this issue involving and harming in the meantime millions upon millions of innocent people.
Cryptocurrencies are neither securities nor commodities, they are a new asset class. They are cryptocurrencies.
Define this new asset class and build a new institution that is in charge of overseeing them based on the newly stablished definition.
Limit the other rabid institution so they won't infect the rest of the world.
✔️ Limit the SEC and the CFTC to their respective fields and markets and let the "Cryptocurrency Task Force" (CTF) deal with Crypto.
The law should be based on creating the means to allow the companies that are operating now and those that will show up in the future to flourish.
What can we do to promote expansion, innovation and growth while at the same time protecting customers?
What can we do so that the entire industry becomes a better place for all those involved?
This type of institution people will love, support and enjoy.