$KUCOIN:BOBUSDT is currently ranked #572 in market cap at 48.1M with a 24h trading volume of 15.5M (down 53% from 24 hours ago). It trades on the Ethereum ecosystem with most of its volume coming from KuCoin.
It has clawed back to top of its trading range, which was recorded on May 06, 2023. Trading now at $0.00007047. It traded significantly down from said high since May and has finally attained a resurgence of volume beginning at the start of December.
This is an interesting one to keep an eye on given the huge increase in popularity of meme coins on other L1 networks. A big crypto bro twitter account of 500k plus people constantly shills it which helps drive the price. It's been trading sideways for the past 5 days finding strong support at 0.000006. I bought into a position at the 0.0000065 level and hoping for a push higher into January ETF news which will help drive ETH volume.
Never liked trading meme coins so will be vigilant for support erosion and scaling out of position if need be.