The Peak for Intermediate Margin Debt peaked in July.

After 15 months of elevation...

It has declined 4.48% as Fear and Uncertainty have taken
ahold... this appeared in the most recent release in
Consumer Confidence, which Collapsed.

Although the Gross Notional is nowhere near the highs
as a percentage of Total Assets Value, as we have repeatedly
indicated, the Trend is clear.

It serves as further Confirmation of the Distribution Patterns
we have Indicated for 47 Days.

Technical Metrics clearly illustrate this among Larger Daily
Divergences present within the Equity Complex.

While BR/VG continue to accumulate an Outsized VX Position,
the "Investor, HODL, MEME, Retail Trader, Speculator and well
oiled Degenerate Gambler" Class continue to twaddle with
even fewer outright purchases....

Instead, levering up with Options as Margin Debt continues
to head South.

The perfect setup is nearing completion.

The exits are too narrow to prevent 95% of the above
Casino participants from being harmed.

We attempt to promote Sanity with respect to Trading and
although a great many find it offensive and "Abusive" - it
is not.

To bad choices there are extreme consequences.

It is your Capital, your choice, your decision.

HK seeks opportunity, nothing more... clinging to
Coat Tails of those in Control.




To Win, there must be a Loss.

We are taking a large SELL Position, the largest since August of 2020.

A minimum of an 11% decline is the Lower Target.

Chart PatternsDXESGCHarmonic PatternsNQrtySITrend Analysisym
