on the 4H chart is showing a round bottom reversal at the bottom of the high voume area

and rose over the POC line of the intermediate-term voume profile. Price now has room for

a 50% move to the top of the high volume area at $ 52. The chart shows the relative

volume indicator supports a long buy as does the dual time frame RSI.

A speculative call option trade would be $60 in 4 months while a safer call option

would be in the money @ $30 in 7-9 weeks. I am also looking at UNG, LNG and XNGUSD on

See also
BOIL is starting to get hot ( 3X Natural Gas ETF)
Trade active
Stock price did 10% in 3 hrs today 11A-2P EST- it was a nice scalp of both the options
expiring 1/12 and the stock.
Trade closed: target reached
Natural gas prices falling again the correction is over. All long positions are closed
and now short natural gas

See this uploaded idea

KOLD  Natural Gas Pivots Again LONG
Fibonacci RetracementKOLDLNGMoving AveragesnatgasnglongrsimtfUNGvolumeprofileanalysisvolumespikeanalsisVolume
