🅱️ Will Bitcoin continue growing or crash?
It is a valid question.
People are wondering, will Bitcoin truly continue up? It seems quite weak, there is no follow through... How can I be sure that Bitcoin will continue growing rather than move back lower?
The answer again can be gotten from the Altcoins market, this can help you clear any and all doubts, we have 100% proof.
✔️ The Altcoins market is booming.
✔️ Many Altcoins are moving up.
✔️ Some Altcoins are breaking strong and this has been going for months and months.
When Bitcoin is set to crash, the Altcoins crash faster, harder and even before Bitcoin does. Just a stop that Bitcoin makes and the Altcoins immediately hit new lows.
👉 We are seeing Altcoins growing by 200%, 300%, 500% and some even 1,000% or more.
That's the proof and that's your answer.
Bitcoin is going up or else the rest of the market would be looking pretty bad right now, instead we are seeing growth.
Bitcoin is just allowing some room for the rest of the market to catch up.
It is doing pretty good already above FWB:25K, some Altcoins need to move higher before Bitcoin moves ahead.
You know how it works, when Bitcoin starts going, it extracts all the energy from the entire market and that's why the Altcoins grow when Bitcoin does sideways.
If you have any other doubt, leave a comment with your questions, and I'll reply with prove based on the charts.
We are set for massive growth.