LaVinci's 30-Day Plan

By LaVinci
Unfortunately, we cannot predict the future. We can, however, predict the immediate future as a function of our free will in conflict with the universe around us.

In anticipation of BTCUSD dropping to the 22,000 area, as a bearish harmonic extension distributes' itself, LaVinci has devised a plan to accumulate BTCUSD over the course of the next month.

The goal is to avert risk while simultaneously reap rewards by scaling into multiple LONG positions over the course of the above mentioned time period (30 days). Stop-Losses are also devised in the plan to scale out and liquidate the long positions in the event that the current structure fails to react accordingly. Take-Profits aren't being taken into account just yet, for the anticipated time that this position will be held is going to be between 70-90 days.

Please follow & critique, as critical feedback is strongly encouraged!


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