
It’s time to tell everyone the TRUTH about our Lord - Bitcoin!


The select few of us know that the origins of blockchain and Bitcoin could be found on the insides of the ancient Egyptian Pyramids, in the Scriptures of Maya civilization and on the remnants of the great columns of Asfix behind the polar circle, giving us a hint to that the climate in the past has been much warmer!

The first deciphered code for blockchain has been published in the Big Soviet Encyclopedia for 1933, but no one knew what the codes were for back then. Then the Great War started and so everyone forgot about The Code for decades.

Everyone? Well, no. As anything of significance, it is obvious that the Bitcoin project has been brewed inside the CIA depths for decades. Michael Lobnivski, a Soviet decedent, and a marine biologist, who studied lizards for decades, smuggled the encyclopedia to the 3d Reich in 1944. In 1945 the Allied armies got hold of all the nazi archives. The Encyclopedia was translated to English and, disappeared in the depths of the CIA.

The proving traces of these events can be found on the Secretary of State report as of 21.09.2012, by Michael Bochler, indirectly mentioning the Encyclopedia, Lobnivski’s trial, and the codes.

Time passed, humanity got hold of computers. The codes quietly waiting for their time.



The 2008 release date of Bitcoin could not have been more timely. Afghanistan successive government's war on opium fields, with the fields fighting back, though, (those pink dragons certainly give you an edge) were putting at risk the CIA’s key revenue source at the time, worldwide heroin trade. The other source was oil and energy markets(remember Kissinger making love in Saudi?, that’s CIA).

Take a look at 2008.

1. The Great Financial Crisis being an engineered weapon of mass economic destruction by Big Banks, aligned with world top coffee producers against the CIA and the national governments.

2. Oil demand Halved

3. Big Pharma raised insulin priced by a factor of 4

4. The first 3 headed mouse was born

5. First Time Ever Olympic Games in China!!

6. Snow Storms in the Sahara Desert for the first time in 500 years

7. Mongolia launching its first satellite

8. Bolivia joining NATO

9. First-Ever Transgenders of Color Conference In Somalia
10. Baghar China Air Strike
11. Surprise attempts to clone a Mammoth in Serbia
12. Nepal Transferring all its Gold reserves from India to Jamaica
13. Battle of Vidalltaltivu
14. 5000th year by the Ethiopian Calendar
15. Massive Solar Eclipse, followed by drought in Macedonia
16. The warmest summer in 300 years

These are just 16 of numerous not less significant events of that TURNING POINT year of History!

And then, Bitcoin drops there like a bomb. A bomb that no one seems to have noticed.

But bear with me, this is only the beginning!


Bretton Woods system collapse, gold confiscation, fiat currency.

For those of you who know history, the parallels could not be clearer

Caligula, the infamous emperor of Ancient Rome did just that, he confiscated all the gold, minting copper coins instead, with large sums of money transferred on paper, by the Emperor's signature. That move led to the Roman Empire collapse 150 years later. Coincidence?

So, without further a due, Bitcoin was launched to destroy the Banks stranglehold on money, FIRST

But then, and folks this is very important! To generate demand for electricity, OR oil and coal! Which GUESS WHAT- are then second revenue stream for CIA

Now, in the light of this revelation, things like the GLOBAL WARMING HOAX are starting to take hold and make sense as the Banks are retaliating!

It Used to be the new global ice age coming in the 80s, remember? 1982 was the year when there was so much ice in the Mediterranean they had to buy the icebreakers from Finland!

The thing is, that the fight with global warming implies DRAMATIC REDUCTION in coal and oil use, with the efficiency standards, carbon taxes and all the insanities that come with that.

The Green New Deal, Paris Climate Accord and other initiatives, now falling within the same logic are aimed at Bitcoin, CIA and the group of influence that is Behind it, namely the Masons!

Yes, the ancient aristocratic families collectively protecting the common interests. Judging by the Trump actions like pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord and slashing regulations, his surprise win in 2016 itself, we might conclude that the Masons are taking the upper hand in the global fight. And what is good for Masonry is good for Bitcoin.

But not all is shiny and chrome in the Dutch kingdom.

The US opioid crisis, no doubt engineered by the CIA to get new heroin users after the Taliban emerging victorious in the opium field clashes with new heroin ready to flood the markets, has come to an abrupt halt this week with the historic court ruling, fining the Oxicotine producer by more than 5 billion dollars, de facto banning the prescription opioid use.

The Masonry opponents, the illuminate, that assembled from the Communist International and the 3d Reich officials after its fall, using the missing Russian Empire Gold as the seed capital, judging by this court ruling have made their way to the top echelons of power and are striking back. AOC, Ilhan Omar and the likes are their pet projects.

Also, went unnoticed the news of EU commissioner election, the federalist, and an Eco-Warrior, that’s pledged to get the EU carbon neutral by 2040

Fentanyl drug, being a synthetic version of heroin is Also an Illuminati attempt to hurt the Masonry.

Crucially, a massive tie of interests has become apparent.

The thing is, the CIA started to use Bitcoin as a tool for the Arms sales from Irak. Lots and Lots of guns, missiles, tanks. These weapons found their way into the Ukranian conflict, innumerable wars in Africa, some are rumored to have reached the depths of Khazahstan, awaiting their moment. 

The problem is, that the CIA demonstrating BIOtcoins potential for anonymity, had an unintended consequence. Cocaine mafia, has yet miraculously managed to stay away from the conflict of the century selling the drug to both parties started using bitcoin for global bulk cocaine sales. As we all know, cocaine and heroin indices are in a negative correlation. One goes up, the other goes down. That has created a massive headache for the CIA, which used to supply guns to the Contras in Amazonia, in the 80s, fuelling then weak cocaine wars of the present. 

Cocaine glut was turning people away from heroin. 

The paradox is- FBI, which represents the Illuminati party, is fighting both cocaine and heroin, because it is all in, in the cannabis and mushrooms business. 
So the FBI, trying to break the cocaine mafia confiscated tons of bitcoins. So much, in fact, that FBI is now the largest single holder of bitcoin after the Masons.

And here is the beauty of the fate’s irony. FBI is now interested in the bitcoin growth too! But FBI is an armed ring of the illuminates, which is fueling the schism among the ranks.

The latter could be seen spilling out into the public with the latest Epstein pedophilia scandal. It is not a secret to anyone in the know, that both the mason and Illuminati consecration ceremonies involve pedophilia and perversion of all kinds, let alone regular ritualistic murders. That is needed for team-building purposes and trust. 

Anyhow, the pedophile, supplying victims to both parties was exposed to the wide world, which has become the ground for the temporary peace and compromise, both agreeing the man has to die. And he died. Clockwork.

One more event is awaiting us in the Western world, which is the split of the United Kingdom into Scotland Northern Ireland and the Rest in case of a No Deal Brexit, which is, no doubt In the Illuminati interest, due to the fact that the UK in the EU was the only Masons voice, being able to stop certain moves and initiatives.

With the UK gone the whole of the EU, which is the illuminati project in the first place, as the substitution for the fallen Soviet Union, will be in the Illuminate hands entirely, which even might lead to a ban of bitcoin in Europe! Beware!

Lets turn the globe now, and we will find ourselves in the snows of Russia, where the two groups fight has spilled into the violent feminists clashes with hard-line vegan activists, with the Neo-communists taking a contemplative pause waiting for the time to decide the result of the clushes

In China, the Illuminati agent since the Dorn of time, we see historic struggle in Hong Kong over the right to drive on the left side of the road, with Taiwan saying it starts keeping its reserves in bitcoin as an opposition horseman move on a 4d chessboard of the epic global battle.

Now you, the enlightened reader, can map almost any, seemingly insignificant event onto the Bitcoin chart, knowing full well, that it is all a massive game of chess on a giant Bitcoin board.
Each event- a move and a cunning plot in a grand scheme of things

Choose your side carefully! Long BitCoin-and you side with the Masonry. Short bitcoin- you all in for the Illuminati!

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TOP NEWS: the Mason controlled UK parliament defeats Illuminati Prime Minister Boris Johnson voting to BLOCK NO DEAL in an epic Brexit struggle of the two superpower supranational groups. Masons win, LONG BITCOIN!
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